Critical NBN transition questions you should ask suppliers.

Am I going to save money?

In most cases we’ll reveal significant cost reductions. We’ll show you in plain english how your savings are achieved


I have read bad press about the nbn, should I be worried?

Yes you should be concerned to the point of undertsanding some basic points about the nbn and your business. You see the nbn is responsible for the delivery of the service for service providers who in turn supply the service to the end user. This is where service providers differ by galactic proportions. Any business nbn migration is complicated at best,

This model has been responsible for the creation of small “niche” nbn™ Transition specialist’s Telcos. You see, sound Technical knowledge and good old fashion “feet on the street experience” are essential elements necessary to successfully guide business owners through the quagmire of pitfalls and traps transitioning from old to new.

The large Telcos lack both vital ingredients and as a result the large telco’s have suffered huge swings away to small service focused boutique Telco’s with fast easy access to technical knowhow, staff on the ground and Australian based support.


I have heard speeds are the sames as ADSL, why is that?

The nbn is delivered in 5 speeds. It is worth noting the nbn is not a guaranteed service which means we strongly recommend to go for the maximum pseed available as the speeds vary considerably. You will need some head room for the drop in speeds. We strongly recommend a separate nbn connection dedicated for voice so you cna be sure of high voice quality.

Mbps means Mega Bits per second = approx 1000 bits per second


12 Mbps down with 1 Mbps upload which is similar to typical ADSL2+ speeds for most customers within 2 Km of the local exchange


25 Mbps down with 5 Mbps upload, which is slightly faster than an ideal ADSL2+ service with 5 times the upload speed.


25 Mbps down with 10 Mbps upload, this is the mimimum speed we advise for business. Why? – the upload is sufficient to run remote workers, incoming SIP trunks and small use cloud services OK for 4 users.


50 Mbps down with 20 Mbps upload, this is the middle of the road choice for business. Why? – the upload is sufficient to run a few remote workers, a few incoming SIP trunks and medium use cloud of services OK for 8 users.


100 Mbps down with 40 Mbps uploads, this is the ideal speed we advise for business. Why? – the upload is sufficient to run remote several workers, several incoming SIP trunks and strong use cloud of services OK for 12 users.


The Big telcos are calling me advising I must change now or I will lose my number.

This is not true, it’s a scam.

You have 18 months to complete the changeover befor copper services are decommissioned.


Can I be guaranteed of no downtime?

Yes, we guarantee no down time, backed with a no quibble money back offer.


I have heard horror stories where business have been with internet and phones for weeks.

We’ve spoken with many business owners in this predicament. You see this is completely avoidable. We recommend speaking with us before you do anything with the nbn, none of our customers experience down time. NONE!



I am confused, who do I believe?

Almost every business owner we’ve connected felt the same way. Our recommendation is gather the facts, ask for references and call these people so you can get the facts of a real nbn deployment, warts and all if necessary. We also recommend reading our “7 most important things you need to know about the nbn and your business” click here to get your copy


Am I best placed to go with the big telcos?

Australia’s big 4 telcos (Telstra, Optus, TPG and Vocus) have a massive grip on the wallets of Australian business owners. The nbn™ revolution has unimaginable benefits to Australian business owners and comes with a brand-new set of rules. You see the nbn™ is a wholesale enterprise and independently owned offering their network to nbn™ service providers.

This model has been responsible for the creation of small “Boutique niche” nbn™ Transition specialist’s Telcos. Oh! And you’ll deal with local passionate Australian’s eager to help you.

No Overseas Call Centres with Boutique Telco’s

You see, sound Technical knowledge and good old fashion “feet on the street experience” are essential elements necessary to successfully guide business owners through the quagmire of pitfalls and traps transitioning from old to new. The Big 4 lacks both vital ingredients which usually leads to a sour customer experience.



Do I have to change my phone system?

No, every phone system can be adapted to work with the nbn. It comes down to the functionality and cost to achieve. Most old equipment is updated by business owners at the time of nbn roll out.


What happens when the Internet goes down?

The nbn is a consumer grade product which has very low service level assurances for quality and restoration times and it does fail. We strongly recommend deploying redundant services with alternate delivery methods to maintain business continunity. This is something you will not hear from the big telcos.


We’re 100% cloud based, is the nbn right for our business?

There are 2 answers.

  1. Yes for upto 15 cloud users with a back up redundant service
  2. More than 20 users you’ll likely need a business grade data service for continious business performance. These services are usually 10/10 Mbps, 20/20 Mbps, 50/50 Mbps and upwards. These services will not be affected by the nbn roll out. An ideal solution would be to have an nbn service for voice along with a Business grade data service for cloud users.



Why you should NOT leave it to your IT guy

It takes years of hands on experience to understand telephony.

Software and Servers is the domain of IT professionals, IP telephony on a computer network reveals a complex set of challenges which can only be successfully deployed with the co-operation of IP Telephony and IT professionals.

nbn™ readiness will raise many questions compared to a traditional digital telephone system. If some of the concepts are new to you, don’t worry. IP Telephony and nbn™ technology offers much more than a phone with lots of buttons and flashing lights. We prefer to use ‘plain English’ to help dispel some of the common myths and misconceptions around VoIP communications.