sales increaseIn part 4 we touched on the productivity enhancements you can easily yield with the right unified communications system. In the next section we’ll show you how to catapult your sales using missed opportunities. Second place in sales means no sale and no profit. What if we showed you how you can win and profit from second place?

Let’s take sales one step further. Imagine for a minute having a second attempt at winning the business from a discarded customer phone call? I hear you say, ‘how can I do that when I’ve missed the call’? You see it’s quite easy when you are armed with Unified Communications.

In this section we’ll explore the incredible power of using basic call records so you can have another opportunity at success. In the world of sales, it’s a rare occasion where you’ll have this opening, let me explain how easily you can do this…

You are flat out busy running your business, making sure you have adequate staff to cope with demands whilst balancing the financial aspects to be sure that you remain viable. You’ve spent a lot of money on a campaign to win new business and the phones are ringing off the hook. However you’ve simply underestimated the response and you don’t have the staff to cope with the incoming call volume. Customers are now abandoning your offer because they can’t get through to sales staff or give up after a long wait. You are making good sales, but you become deeply concerned about the desertion rate statistics illustrated on your Unified Communications System. You’ve realised the true potential your offer has. A missed sale is a lost opportunity…. Well we believe that’s not true.


Let me explain why…Value Add

Ok you’ve had a great response from the campaign and things are going really well. You quickly run a simple report from your unified communications system on the abandoned calls. To your surprise you discover not only do you have their caller ID, but also the time they called as well as how long they waited. How easy is it for your sales team to make an apologetic call to the potential customer, perhaps offering a bonus because of their not so good experience?

Just how many additional sales do you suppose a good customer service person would achieve on that basis?

In this series we’ve covered productivity improvements, staff efficiency, improvements in business processes, intelligent call distribution and snatching sales from lost opportunities. Never before have we witnessed such a diverse and comprehensive arsenal of business building tools all in one neat package. We believe the true advantages of UC have barely been realised, its adopters have incredibly powerful tools on hand to propel their business to the dizzy heights of success.

True or FalseIs your telecom supplier merely presenting you with a fancy phone system with all the new buzz words and acronyms to make him appear knowledgeable? We’ve found that most UC vendors stretch the truth when it comes to UC. We put this series together so you can appreciate the true potential of working with the right UC vendor. Phone Systems Brisbane will expose practical ideas and concepts that will massively improve your business and its bottom line. Together we’ll explore individual parts of your business where you can realise substantial financial and productivity advances. These advantages barely scratch the surface of the unimaginable capability UC extends to business owners today.

In conclusion, Unified Communications allows the innovative business to be well organised, with efficient communication and most importantly be easily contactable. UC positions organisations with tools to achieve a market leading position in their chosen niche.