Become the company known for changing the image of VoIP
Our Mission
Make technology an asset for your business not a problem.
Too many times we have seen other Telco’s recommend solutions that are not appropriate for the specific client’s business or will not take a technology changes into their planning as they routinely maintain status quo.
That is unacceptable. We won’t offer the easiest solution because it is “easier for us and too complicated to explain to you”. We work on the cutting edge of technology. We strive to make technology integrate seamlessly with your business so your business can grow. As your technology partner, when your business grows ours will grow with you, therefore, we will work hand in hand with you to support your growth.
Introducing Greg Eicke
The founder of Phones Now Pty Ltd (formerly Phone Systems Brisbane) Greg Eicke has been at the leading edge of voice and data communications for the past 31 years. In that time we’ve found that most companies are interested in two things when it comes to their phone and data technology. Firstly how to increase their productivity with better voice and data communication and secondly, how to reduce the phone and data bills.
We bring great news for the business owner who is looking for impressive productivity increases and equally enjoyable cost savings.
Another key frustration for businesses is the sheer complexity of many phone and data solutions. The good news is that communications complexity ends with Phones Now Pty Ltd (previously Phone Systems Brisbane) As do all of its painful implications. Almost three decades in this industry has enabled us to develop what we call ‘brilliantly simple’ phone solutions. These solutions will make communications and collaboration second nature for your workforce. And of course they save you big dollars in ongoing phone costs… another reason why they are brilliant!
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