The Panasonic TDE200 released December 2008 is the first IP telephone system from Panasonic, it brings together the power of the Internet, business applications and personal productivity to your desktop. The Panasonic TDE series supports a range of terminal devices, from the Panasonic NT400 touch screen IP handset to the intuitive easy to use IP and Panasonic digital telephones along with SIP and cordless DECT portable handsets.

The TDE200 is the mid-sized hybrid telephone system from Panasonic supporting 256 ports whereas the NCP500 and NCP1000 supports 108 handsets. Hybrid telephone systems support IP, SIP, Digital and Analog handsets. These telephone systems are a product of the migrating development from digital to IP. Digital is a well-established and very reliable technology and Panasonic’s natural progression to IP places the TDE200 in a solid position to take a lead the market in Hospitality, Medical and Health Services, Administration, Sales, Retail, Legal, Accounting, Logistics, Hospitality, Education.

IP telephony has opened a Pandora’s Box for various protocol standards. Most manufacturers have developed their own proprietary protocols which restrict buyers to purchasing only handsets from the equipment manufacturer. However with the advent of SIP (session initiation protocol) which is an open standard almost all manufacturers provide connectivity to allow buyers a greater choice of handsets and best of all ability to connect SIP trunks to take advantage of the power of VoIP.

You have maximum flexibility with the Panasonic TDE200 telephone systems connection SIP handsets and SIP telephone lines use simple licences to connect, unlike the physical traditional digital circuit cards. The TDE200 support eight networked sites which means business owners can use their IP data network to carry voice potentially saving thousands in telco costs.

So what’s all the hype about IP telephony and what does the Panasonic TDE200 offer the business owner? Well after 27 years firsthand experience installing, maintaining or selling all manner of telephone systems, We see the Panasonic TDE200 telephone systems lead the way for their niche market. The TDE unified communications system is more than just a smart pure IP-PBX phone system. It’s all about being connected and having access to the same resources you would have if you were in your office. It enables your staff to be more available to communicate where ever they may be. GSM integration for anywhere any time mobility, DECT cordless handsets for workers on the move all day, multi-site enterprises, IP camera and network integration, softphones and integration with Microsoft Outlook make the Panasonic TDE200 a sound choice.

We don’t know of any other manufacturer that will support a 10 year old digital handset on the latest technology, yes that’s right a crusty old digital handset will still work just as effectively on the new TDE200 as it did the day it was deployed on a now ancient TD or perhaps older TDA100 system. That’s the ultimate in re-harvesting your investment many times over.

The Panasonic TDE200 has a solution for all industries.