We’ve examined remote working as just one component of UC and how the business community profited, showcasing that Unified Communications is a vital tool in any modern business no matter the size. Next we’ll be discussing how to add value and re-harvest a vintage investment
Unified communications positions business owners to increase the efficiency of their business processes. Integration can yield a 2nd harvest on previously spent business investments. Information that can be received in various forms can now be responded to with more immediacy than information passed through only one form. Several communication methods with more than one person, communications while traveling or working remotely. Additionally, the easy archiving and searching of all types of messages are just some of the ways that efficiency and productivity improvements can be realised with unified communications.
When workers are able to use their time efficiently, they are able to maximise their productivity. This enhances the business owners’ bottom line. Being able to communicate easily in numerous forms is the goal. Nowadays the demands on faster communications serve to strengthen the compelling argument for unified communications. Delays in our instant world are generally not tolerated by consumers and business alike.
Logicalis: ‘A strong collaborative capability is fundamental to the productivity and engagement of teleworking staff. We’ve found that teleworkers come to rely on collaborative technologies such as desktop video conferencing, presence, instant messaging and web conferencing; integrating them into the personal workflows and becoming highly proficient in their use. Conferencing in particular is expected to become life-like and immediate with the NBN.’
Ian Ross, Director Strategic Solutions