Panasonic Review

Phones Now Pty Ltd (formerly Phone Systems Brisbane) panasonic LogoTelephone system manufacturers confuse us with techno babble and jargon to impress the buyer. Features listed on brochures usually mean little or nothing to the business person looking to solve specific problems. At some time you have no doubt looked at a glossy car sales brochure that say all the things you want to see, then you look at the daunting list specifications and features and say to yourself “wow! Look at what I’m getting for the price!”…or “Seriously, why would a manufacturer list a feature like “hold”. Let’s face it we all know phone systems can place a call on hold, you just want a solid reliable telephone system that will deliver tangible benefits to your business…Sound familiar

We’ve all done market research on product we are looking to purchase and found that we spend enormous amounts of time learning the “street language, techno babble and understanding the intricacies of each model so you can make an informed decision. When you don’t know exactly what you need it’s easy to be “sold” by the nicest sales person that said all the things you wanted to hear.

Not All Telephone Systems Are Built Equal

Panasonic Phone System

Panasonic Phone System

Not all telephone systems are built equal and the slick sales spiel often glosses over the vital considerations when selecting a perfect fit for your business. Sorting through the techno jargon can be a nightmare even for the most experienced IT executive and business owner. Over the last 29 years we’ve learned that some vendors employing inexperienced sales people simply don’t know what they don’t know. It’s very rare the IT Manager or Computer Guru actually understands the complexity of telephone system features. It takes many years of experience and comprehensive technical training to successfully match the perfect telephone system for business applications.

When you don’t know exactly what you need how to use all the “amazing features” that was promised during the sales process, you become frustrated. You need to gain maximum advantage from your investment. You don’t need more stress in your life. Greg from Phones Now Pty Ltd (formerly Phone Systems Brisbane) has spent half a life time in telecommunications as a technician and as a sales consultant working with all manner of business telephone systems… he can confidently say “Panasonic telephone systems are the best of breed”.

Digital or Unified Communications?

Do you really need a digital key telephone system or a more comprehensive Unified Communications (UC) solution? In order to make the correct choices, you need to be aware of the products available and their capabilities. Unified communications bridges the gap between IP Telephony and other computer related communication technologies. Internet protocol (IP) telephony is a technology that supports telephone calls on your computer network. In the office your telephone can plug into the same cable as your computer bringing both devices and their full potential closer together. The combination of Direct Dial numbers, personal voice to email messaging and ability to reroute calls from the field to the office and vice versa means that businesses can receive enhanced levels of service. Of course there are also the less traditional communication methods. You need to know about their capabilities too. Perhaps one of them is suitable for you!

Panasonic 136 Ip Handset

Brilliantly Simple

A key frustration for businesses is the sheer complexity of many phone systems. The good news is that complexity ends with Panasonic Telephone Systems as do all of its painful implications. It is important to upgrade your phone system right because communication is the life blood of any modern organisation. You may want to establish effective telecommunication systems for multiple locations, remote workers or teleworkers and maintain continuation in the event of crisis or disaster.

Legendary Rock Solid Reliable Performance

The Panasonic NCP500, NCP1000, NS700, NS1000, NSX1000 and NSX2000 Telephone systems make communications and collaboration second nature for your workforce. The IP based NCP500, NCP1000, NS700, NS1000, NSX1000 and NSX2000 provide a “legendary rock solid reliable performance. When Panasonic release a product to market, we’ve seen over many years a leading edge solution unlike a bleeding edge where many manufacturers mesmerise buyers with slick sales person and glossy brochures.

You need to be sure that the options provided are designed to actively enhance your business without excessively stretching your budget. You always have choices and Panasonic recognise that so they made sure all business needs are covered with the enhanced Panasonic TDA30, TDA200 and larger Panasonic TDE200 and TDE600. This is where you can win the business needs and budget battle with quality, performance and price.

You see handsets on telephone systems make up the majority of the purchase price. If you are upgrading from an older Panasonic TD series telephone system the original Panasonic digital handsets work just as effectively on the new NCP500, NCP1000, TDA200 and TDE200 systems. Panasonic’s zero redundancy system makes sure you can always re-harvest your handset investment.

Panasonic NCP500       Panasonic Ideas for Life Logo

Panasonic Telephone systems save you big dollars in ongoing phone costs because of their low Total Cost of Ownership, another reason why they are best of breed! You need the right solution for your business and you need to know how to use it. Because of its experience Phones Now Pty Ltd (previously Phone Systems Brisbane) understands the needs of various sized companies and businesses. In any organization and with any equipment, training is essential. Don’t underestimate how important an intuitive easy to use the phone is. Panasonic understands different cultures around the world and have changed manufacturing process to include easy reading LCD displays, buttons and labels.

The guys at Phones Now Pty Ltd (formerly Phone Systems Brisbane) have the knowledge how to have unlimited calls on any Australian number that has the potential to save you thousands every year. You will discover that the secret is that there are very simple ways to access significantly better than corporate rates for any size business. There are potential savings available for line rental taxes too.

Service Level Agreements (SLA) are critical for every business because they lay out the expected level of reliability, support and service, as well as options in the event of failure. For many businesses, reliability good connectivity to the outside world is critical, another reason why Phones Now Pty Ltd (previously Phone Systems Brisbane) endorse Panasonic Telephone Systems as Best of Breed.